Show you are an Accredited Social Responsibility Leader…
The CSR Accreditation Application submission dates are every two months, but you can submit your application at any time. You are only ever between 3 and 10 weeks from being CSR Accredited.
The process of achieving a CSR Accreditation begins with your own assessment of every aspect of your organisation’s Social Responsibility activities. No matter what size your business, large or small, you submit an application based on the ‘Social Responsibility Four Pillars’ and the assessment guidance notes.
CSR Accreditation is an effective way to benchmark what you are already doing with regard to social responsibility. It is a process in which you collate, measure and report on your organisation’s socially responsible activities. An accreditation will also provide you with a roadmap for planning future activity. The Accreditation application process provides a simple and straightforward template where you can record activity against the Social Responsibility Four Pillars of environment, workplace, community and philanthropy. Each Social Responsibility Pillar is designed to help you impact report on areas such as energy performance, recycling, staff engagement, health and well-being, community engagement and supporting local and national charities.
5 easy steps to becoming a independently recognised responsible organisation.
- Complete the simple stage 1 registration on our website for free. Download the Guidance for Accreditation and other support material. Familiarise yourself with the guidance. There’s no need to read it all!
- Its amazing what we are already doing that we don’t talk about! Programs, events, initiatives, policies and projects in which you and your colleagues have been involved. Use the CSR Four Pillars guide to help you benchmark what you are already doing.
- Talk to colleagues, collect certifications, statistics and results. Collect, examine and analyse data. Calculate savings both financial and in resources. Include relevant memberships and standards such as ISO’s.
- Format your findings into our Four Pillars using our supplied application Word template. Keep this document safe as it will form the basis of an ongoing CSR policy and Social Impact Report. Craft a final version and keep this safe. Collate evidence into up-loadable formats
- Return to our website and fill in our online application form. Paste your application template into the online form. Upload evidence. Retain your application template and evidence for future reference.
Familiarise yourself with requirements of the assessment guidance notes. Look at what you already have in relation to what the four pillars. Carry out a gap analysis to identify areas that need addressing.
Please remember that it is not essential that you deliver Social Responsibility activities in all four of the CSR pillars or everything on the associated lists, this is just a guide to help you structure your application.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (Private Sector) -Large Companies
- Company Social Responsibility (Private Sector) - Sole Traders and SME’s
- Community Social Responsibility (Public Sector) -Local Authorities, Schools, Hospitals etc
- Charitable Social Responsibility (Third Sector) - Charities
- Consumer Social Responsibility - Products & Services
- Citizen Social Responsibility - Training & Workshops –
- All of Us – Collective Social Responsibility
Click here for full CSR Accreditation fees
For help filling your CSR Accreditation Application Call 01494 444494 NOW
Please use the Application Support Information provided in the links below:
How to fill in your application – Your full guide on CSR Accreditation Application
Your CSR Accreditation Application Form Word Document
At a glance Four Pillars list
Please include documentation on policies, procedures and systems such as systems for recording energy saving, reviews of performance against strategic targets, impact reports and notes from audits. (See application form)
CSR Accreditation Assessment Panel
The CSR-AA Panel is made up of individuals from organisations that have experience of Social Responsibility, benefit from Social Responsibility or advise on / implement Social Responsibility.
Click here to see the CSR Accreditation Panel:
Click here for information on the Accreditation Process
Check out the B P Collins CSR film