Gold CSR Accreditation Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust

Northumbria NHS Trust retain their Gold CSR Accreditation

Northumbria NHS Trust retain their Gold CSR Accreditation

Northumbria NHS Trust retain their Gold CSR Accreditation

As always it is a pleasure to announce a CSR re-accerditation.

This time our heartfelt congratulations go to Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust for retaining their Gold CSR Accreditation.
Not only that, they made a significant improvement on their original rating.

The Trust has been at the forefront of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives for many years and has used the flexibility of their Foundation status to be responsive to local needs and challenges. Projects linking basketball into schools, international links with Tanzania and community arts programmes all resulted in an internationally recognised CSR Accreditation Gold status, the first of its kind by any NHS Trust, in 2019.

The Trustʼs CSR work has now been branded under a single banner of the “Community Promise” with 6 very distinct pillars: Poverty, Education, Economy, Employment, Environment and Wellbeing. The 6 pillars align to the overarching Trust strategy and commitment by the Chief Executive to use power and influence as an Anchor institution to support local communities, economy and support and develop action to reduce generational inequalities, especially focussing around some of the most marginalised groups.

You can register NOW and join a growing number of sustainability leaders by becoming CSR Accredited.

Use your CSR Accreditation to address ESG Compliance, prepare for the race to Net Zero, build a culture that empowers employees to do environmental and social good, attract new talent, win tenders and improve brand reputation.

