The CSR Accreditation scheme is available to any private, public or third sector organisation which can demonstrate a measurable 12 month period of CSR activity.
Any organisation may apply for CSR Accreditation, no matter how such organisation is legally structured, whether it be an incorporated business, a sole trader, partnership, public or third sector organisation.
The applicant may apply for CSR Accreditation under the scheme in respect of its entire organisation, a particular site within the organisation or a specific division of the organisation.
CSR Accreditation is based on an assessment of an organisations full range of CSR activity and will also require evidence that the management is capable of maintaining acceptable standards during the period of Accreditation.
Accreditation under the scheme for such businesses is conditional upon:
1. A successful audit of the policies and structures regarding responsible business practice that the applicant actually has in place.
2.Meeting the required compliance level
3.The applicant paying the specified CSR Accreditation application fee.
Handling your application
Upon receipt of the application, our assessment panel will review the application and supporting documentation. The panel will use the Assessment Guidance Notes and criteria to score the application. Our Assessment Panel is totally independent. They are selected because of their appropriate CSR and technical knowledge, their professional backgrounds and relevant experience.
The assessment panel can award up to 10 points on each of the following criteria (Assessment Guidance Notes) . They also have the flexibility to award up to 10 additional bonus points for applications they believe have particular merit.
The assessment panel will meet every 3 months to assess applications.
Applications scoring 80+% will be awarded Gold status; 65-79% – Silver; 50-64% – Bronze.
An appeal process is in place to respond to decisions made by the assessment panel that the applicant may disagree with.
All CSR Accredited organisations get automatically entered into the International CSR Excellence Awards